Naturally us…


“Una Sola Voz” – Zonas Poéticas

“My Name Is George Junius Stinney Jr”

EXPOSICION: “Arte De MI VIentre” por Queen Nzinga Maxwell


La colección de arte menstrual de la artista Queen Nzinga Maxwell: “Arte de mi Vientre” se estará mostrando del 2 al 29 de marzo, en conmemoración del Mes Internacional de la Mujer.

Inauguración oficial el 9 de Marzo 7pm, con performace y presentaciones de poesia

Andrea Gomez, Nakury, Yorkanda Danzanda Tierrademadres, Queen Nzinga Maxwell, y mas!

No se lo pierdan!

pueden ver la mayoria de los trabajos en

Galería Talentum esta ubicada 300 mts norte y 75 mts oeste del kiosko del parque Morazán, contiguo al hotel Mona Lisa en Barrio Amón


This Ain’t A Love Poem – Kayrond

This Ain’t A Love Poem is a sentimental piece that expresses the thoughts that go through the mind of a young male in a long term Relationship and goes into his deepest thoughts and unspoken emotions of the relationship with his lady.

The name This Ain’t A Love Poem is an insight of what a relationship puts us through. It brings forth the reality of being in a relationship in our present times. I wrote this poem to express that what we see from other relationships and the media is only a fraction of the truth of what it takes to be in a relationship. That a relationship doesn’t work on ideas but on senses. So if people remain senseless nothing will change. I strongly feel that if we take time to know who we are then our relationships will be better.

The Adinkra Symbols – Sesa Wo Suban “Transform your character”


Symbol of life transformation  This symbol combines two separate adinkra symbols, the “Morning Star” which can mean a new start to the day, placed inside the wheel, representing rotation or independent movement

The Adinkra Symbols – Nyame Ye Ohene “God is King”

Symbol of the majesty and supremacy of God


The Adinkra Symbols – Akoma


The Akoma Adinkra symbol looks exactly like a heart, but it represents more. The akoma “heart” symbol represents patience, goodwill, faithfulness, endurance and tolerance. According to the Agbo people group, when a person is said to “have a heart in his stomach,” that person is very tolerant.

The Akoma symbol is very popular in weddings throughout Ghana, and it’s not hard to see why.

-Courtesy of


Oralidad Poética

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Davido -SKELEWU- Have fun and dance